Academic Partnerships and Public Advocacy

The APPA Committee

Academic Partnerships and Public Advocacy (APPA) Committee

The APPA Committee bridges the gap between academic research/partnerships  and stakeholders beyond the academe through public advocacy.  It focuses its work on:Academic Partnerships: Conducts individual and institutional level activities to promote academic partnerships.At the individual level the committee organizes activities under the Academic Networking and Collaboration umbrella, which include Lecture Tours in Southeast Asia, Teaching Collaborations in Southeast Asia and Research Fellowships in Southeast Asia. These activities are organized at both member and non-member universities. At the institutional level, APPA collaborates with host universities  through National Seminars and International Conferences to disseminate information on human rights and peace research in the region.

  • Academic Networking and Collaboration

Lecture Tours

Teaching Collaborations

– Expert Lectures

2.  Public Advocacy: In order to reach stakeholders beyond the academe, the APPA committee has redirected its work. The Committee is working towards outputs – policy briefs, interviews, among others to a) make academic research consumable outside the academic world; b) reach targeted stakeholders – CSOs, media, governments to advocate for advancing human rights and peace research in the region.

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