News and Event

Lecture Tour by Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman to Vietnam (16- 20 January 2017)

SHAPE-SEA is committed to building a community of lecturers, researchers and scholars with varied experiences committed to the strengthening human rights and peace research and education in Southeast Asia. Our commitment is visible through the various activities undertaken by SHAPE-SEA as a program through research, education, academic partnership and public advocacy and publications.Lecture Tours are significant in mobilizing lecturers around the region to facilitate knowledge-gain and exposure to the human rights and peace situation in the region. Through these Lecture Tours, lecturers are able to exchange ideas, learn from each other and discuss ways of building a robust community striving towards the same goal.For SHAPE-SEA January starts with Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman, Lecturer – Universitas Airlannga visiting School of Law at the Vietnam National University in Hanoi and the Faculty of Law, Can Tho University, Vietnam.He will be presenting on:January 17, 201709.30 – 11.30 Presentation on Constitutional Law System and Human Rights in Indonesia for Constitutional Law Master Students of the School of Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi.January 18, 201717.00 – 18.00 Presentation on Press Freedom, Law and Politics in Indonesia for Human Rights for Masters Students of the School of Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi.January 19, 201709.30 – 11.00 Presentation on Press Freedom, Law and Politics in Indonesia for Masters Students of the University of Humanitarian and Social Sciences, under Vietnam National University Hanoi.January 20, 201709.00 – 11.00 Presentation on Constitutional Law System and Human Rights in Indonesia for Masters Students of the Faculty of Law, Can Tho University, Vietnam.Profile:Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman is the Director at Centre of Human Rights Law Studies (HRLS), Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, and also Coordinator of Indonesian Lecturer Association for Human Rights (SEPAHAM Indonesia). PhD graduated from Leiden University Law School (2014), and Master of Arts in Human Rights and Social Development, Mahidol University (2006).Actively working together with numerous human rights groups in Indonesia and international forum, such as ELSAM, KontraS, YLBHI-LBH Surabaya,Protection International, Southeast Asian Human Rights Studies Network (SEAHRN) and Epistema Institute.

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