News and Event

SHAPESEA Day 2021: Shaping a Better Normal

Date: 4 February 2021Time: 15:00 – 17:00 (GMT+7)We honoured to share our activities for SHAPE-SEA Day 2021! Our theme for this year is SHAPING A BETTER NORMAL. Our goal is to provide a platform for academics, civil society and general public to reflect on programme’s outcomes, the state of human rights and peace in the past years, and discuss ways for SHAPE-SEA to better contribute to a culture of human rights and peace in Southeast Asia, and how a better normal for all can be achieved.Morning Event: The Pioneer Years and Moving Ahead webinar shall be presenting SHAPE-SEA’s work during Phase 1 (2015-2019), and be gathering insights from SHAPE-SEA partners and stakeholders to strengthen programmes and strategies in the years to come.Afternoon Event: The much awaited publication, “Southeast Asia, Infected and Interrupted: Critical Voices on the State of Human Rights and Peace in the Time of COVID-19, shall be officially launched, together with a panel discussion on Human Rights, Peace and a Better Normal.

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